Fundraising Tips

111 Your Way Top Tip 1

Fundraising Tip 1

Share your story. Let your friends, family and work colleagues know that you're doing 111 Your Way this October. Encourage them to support your challenge during the month by sharing your fundraising page on Facebook, Instagram, email, or whichever platform works for you and your crew. Don't be shy!

111 Your Way Top Tip 2

Fundraising Tip 2

Keep your friends updated with your progress - whether it be in raising funds or by letting them know how close you are to your 111 Your Way activity goal. Pick from our social media resources for an easy way to remind people what you're doing.

111 Your Way Top Tip 3

Fundraising Tip 3

Put together a team of 111 Your Way Legends and build your crew. Pick a fundraising target and choose your activity. Then share lots of updates with photos and videos of you and your team working towards a collective goal.

111 Your Way Top Tip 4

Fundraising Tip 4

Donate to yourself. Kick off your fundraising with your own donation (all donations over $2 are tax deductable too) and show your crew how committed you are to raising funds for people affected by below the belt cancers.

Do 111 Your Way

Do 111 Your Way throughout October to raise funds and awareness for the 111 Australian and New Zealand people diagnosed every day with Below the Belt cancers.

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